There comes a time in everyone's life where you want to only be surrounded by what you love.
It might not be many things, or many people, but anything else just gets in the way.
The thing is, it's up to you to sort it out.
Whatever goes is trash.
Whatever stays is home.
Ok, try this:
Stop looking for sense in things. Maybe there is none.
Consider the idea that maybe there is no meaning: maybe its all random, chaos, and, in the end, it doesn't matter what you do with your life, because -in the grand scheme- your life is incredibly unimportant -just one life in the river of lives that have existed, now exist, or will exist in the future.
You with me?
Now comes the hard part: now, rather than being afraid by that thought, be liberated by it.
Imagine a life where you can do whatever you want, whenever you want -a life that is pointed in the direction of whatever it is that makes you happy, simply because... Well, why not? What's the worse that cold happen?
What is there to fear in a universe where nothing truly matters?
You are forced to draw lines around that incredibly free life -because you live in a society with other people, and that automatically necessitates boundaries. But never forget that those boundaries are created by you -they are arbitrary, and should be used solely for the purpose of keeping you on the path to whatever makes you happy. They also move and change, as you move and change.
You control those boundaries.
Because in a world without rules, everything is relative, including your definitions of "happy" "sad" "alone" "empty" and even of "good" or "bad."
Ultimately, amor, consider that its all simply a matter of perspective -and you control your perspective to a very large degree, usually.
You can decide to simply look at things with curiosity, rather than boredom. You might want to decide to look at people as interesting, rather than incomprehensible. You might just decide to seek joy and fun in the reality you actually inhabit, rather than escape onto ones that are merely imaginary.
My advice, and you can start doing this immediately:
I love you.
PS: Tell Todor to gimme my fucking money!
Stop looking for sense in things. Maybe there is none.
Consider the idea that maybe there is no meaning: maybe its all random, chaos, and, in the end, it doesn't matter what you do with your life, because -in the grand scheme- your life is incredibly unimportant -just one life in the river of lives that have existed, now exist, or will exist in the future.
You with me?
Now comes the hard part: now, rather than being afraid by that thought, be liberated by it.
Imagine a life where you can do whatever you want, whenever you want -a life that is pointed in the direction of whatever it is that makes you happy, simply because... Well, why not? What's the worse that cold happen?
What is there to fear in a universe where nothing truly matters?
You are forced to draw lines around that incredibly free life -because you live in a society with other people, and that automatically necessitates boundaries. But never forget that those boundaries are created by you -they are arbitrary, and should be used solely for the purpose of keeping you on the path to whatever makes you happy. They also move and change, as you move and change.
You control those boundaries.
Because in a world without rules, everything is relative, including your definitions of "happy" "sad" "alone" "empty" and even of "good" or "bad."
Ultimately, amor, consider that its all simply a matter of perspective -and you control your perspective to a very large degree, usually.
You can decide to simply look at things with curiosity, rather than boredom. You might want to decide to look at people as interesting, rather than incomprehensible. You might just decide to seek joy and fun in the reality you actually inhabit, rather than escape onto ones that are merely imaginary.
My advice, and you can start doing this immediately:
- Do only things you enjoy -if you don't have time to do the things you enjoy doing, then make time. That's the most important priority now -do what you enjoy to do.
- Spend time with people you enjoy -follow the same directions as above.
- Repeat, rinse.
- Feel better.
I love you.
PS: Tell Todor to gimme my fucking money!
There's two types of tribes in this colony: there's the people who show you the ocean, and the people who don't.
You know what I'm saying, the ocean's right there, everywhere. And still, some nerds broadcast like this.
It makes me wanna grab them by their popped collars and slap the güido out of them...
Do you know what bad taste is? Bad taste is absence of empathy. Bad taste is lack of caring: not caring to look around you and recognize the best possible scenario and go with that one.
Good taste, on the other hand -good taste is about appreciating something exquisite in a manner inaccessible to mere mortals. It's about seeing the auras, the invisible rhythms, the hidden contrasts and dimensions.
The absolute worst thing about Tourists is that all their fantasies end the same way: offspring.
You can grab the baddest motherfucker out there and give him an heir, or, god forbid, one cute daddy's little girl, and that's it, game over. Stick a fork in you, Danger, you're done.
Your days of ruling the roost are behind you.
Because now you have something to lose if you leave, and that impairs your judgment. It exposes your vulnerabilities.
You can't be ice hard when you're changing diapers, ya hear?
I talk to the others and we all agree: it's time for you to go.
Maybe you can put out a Christmas album or something.
I've been thinking.
I know this is not what you want to hear, but I have to tell you, because otherwise what point is there, right?
Why bother if i can't tell you stuff?
You see, I'm gonna just come right out and say it, I -this isn't working for me.
i -i, just, this isn't my place. Ive thought about it, and i don't want to be here anymore.
I think it's time to go.
I don't know where yet. Stop crying, I can distinctly hear you sniffling in the background.
I dont know when, exactly. soon. As soon as possible. as soon as I'm ready.
This place just isn't for me, you know? I don't belong here.
I need to be outside, with my own kind. Away from you.
Listen, if you don't stop crying im going to...
What does japanese alphabet soup look like?
Can a hearse carrying a corpse drive in the carpool lane?
When I read about the dangers of smoking, I gave up reading!
Listen, I'm gonna get out of here, and I don't care what you have to say.
This is the moment you have been dreading from the instant you laid eyes on me, and I've been postponing it long enough.
Yes of course have a plan, but I can't tell you. The less you know the better.
You just go on about your life, eat your cereal, and at some point you'll turn around and I'll be gone. You'll come back from the market and all my things will be scrubbed clean, as if I was never there.
Maybe you can put a small office in my space -make it work for you, for a change.
But I know I'm done here, and this is the last you'll hear from me.
Oh ok, fine, one last one before I go:
Never raise your hand to a kid it, leaves your groin unprotected
BEER: helping ugly people get laid for over three-hundred and seven years.
Ok, fine one more, but then that's it, I really gotta go:
My short-term memory is not as sharp as it used to be. Also, my short-term memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
In just two days from now, tomorrow will be yesterday.
Ok, one more, i gotta go, seriously
Our planet is the insane asylum for the rest of the universe.
Ok, one more.
iPhone: soundtrack, Beyoncé
['ave maria' starts to play]
iPhone: visualize
Here are two things you are never to talk about in the company of strangers:
Religion & politics.
Well. & drugs, but that one we'll get to later.
1st, religion.
People believe all kinds of crazy things, ok? They believe in pills and uniforms and light-emitting tubes. They even believe in other People. hah
And most, if not all of Them, believe in something primal -they sense it all around them, whooshing and whispering mysterious words in their ears.
It confuses Them, these whispers and glimpses of the true world they inhabit. it scares the shit out of Them, so They use the sacredest word of all: 'religion'
Do not mock these people by engaging them in discussion about it -much like you would not condescend to a child by trying to explain molecular neurophysics to it.
Imagine if you were able to see the dots, but not connect them.
They're just pre. Don't mind them.
Change the subject to pop music.
Now, politics.
Before anything else, consider that religion and politics are the same. people believe in fictional beings because the alternative is too terrible to contemplate.
And they think their time on that planet is all they have.
So they rather spend it dreaming.
Can you blame them?
Change the subject to pop music.
I know what youre thinking and i promise you we will talk about drugs.
And about sex.
Yes, and about feelings. we will talk about everything.
Gimme some time, im doing my best here to keep up with you.
And you evolve way too fast.
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